Watch: Russian Electrical Stimulation for Knee Pain Relief

Watch: Russian Electrical Stimulation for Knee Pain Relief

Watch: Russian Electrical Stimulation for Knee Pain Relief 670 466 All Cure

Athlete Receives Russian Electrical Stimulation for Knee Pain

Watch this semi-pro soccer play receive Russian electrical stimulation for his knee pain. The stimulation causes the muscle to contract, enhancing the healing process. Our treatment process will get him back on the field quickly!

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Treatment

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation is often part of physical therapy for knee injuries. It’s a specialty treatment that helps to increase muscle force, reduce knee pain, and improve function. Beyond injuries, this treatment is also helpful for arthritis, as it can help with swelling and inflammation.

Common Physical Therapy Knee Treatments

Often, electrical stimulation is complimentary to other knee treatments. Some common physical therapy treatments for knees are:

  • Stretches and exercises
  • Ice and heat
  • Ultrasound massage
  • Electrical nerve or muscle stimulation
  • Laser treatment

Knee Physical Therapy in New Jersey

AllCure is a leading physical therapy clinic in New Jersey. We help patients recover from knee injuries and wear and tear as quickly as possible. Through our integrated approach to recovery, we create long-term relief to help patients feel better. Schedule your free consultation with AllCure to learn which knee treatment is right for you.
