Our Educational Physical Therapy Blog

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Watch: Golf and Lower Back Pain Video

Watch: Golf and Lower Back Pain Video

Watch: Golf and Lower Back Pain Video 670 466 All Cure

Watch this video of a senior getting back into the golf season after suffering a major lower back pain episode.

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Why is Exercise for Senior Citizens Beneficial?

Why is Exercise for Senior Citizens Beneficial?

Why is Exercise for Senior Citizens Beneficial? 670 466 All Cure

Regular exercise for senior citizens can improve both mental and physical health, making it crucial to living a healthy lifestyle.

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Watch: Cupping for Lower Back Pain Video

Watch: Cupping for Lower Back Pain Video

Watch: Cupping for Lower Back Pain Video 670 466 All Cure

Watch this video of an AllCure acupuncturist performing cupping for lower back pain and muscle tension.

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Pre and Post-Surgery Therapy Techniques

Pre and Post-Surgery Therapy Techniques

Pre and Post-Surgery Therapy Techniques 670 466 All Cure

While patients are often familiar with physical therapy that occurs after a surgery, many are unaware of pre-surgery therapy.

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Watch: Physical Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease Helps

Watch: Physical Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease Helps

Watch: Physical Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease Helps 670 466 All Cure

Watch this video of a patient who is suffering from Parkinson’s disease improve their gait pattern.

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Why You Should Try Electric Therapy for Neuropathy

Why You Should Try Electric Therapy for Neuropathy

Why You Should Try Electric Therapy for Neuropathy 670 466 All Cure

Many patients have found relief from their constant pain through electric therapy. This drug-free treatment helps nerves repair and regenerate, substantially lowering a patient’s pain levels.

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Watch: Lower Extremity Injury Rehabilitation (For Athletes)

Watch: Lower Extremity Injury Rehabilitation (For Athletes) 670 466 All Cure

Watch how AllCure Spine and Sports Medicine rehabilitates two athletes suffering from a lower extremity injury.

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Pregnancy and Acupuncture: Are There Risks?

Pregnancy and Acupuncture: Are There Risks?

Pregnancy and Acupuncture: Are There Risks? 670 466 All Cure

Acupuncture has been known as a natural method to ease pregnancy pains and increase fertility. If you’re curious to learn more about pregnancy and acupuncture, keep reading.

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How Does a Tens Unit Work? Physical Therapist Explains

How Does a Tens Unit Work? Physical Therapist Explains

How Does a Tens Unit Work? Physical Therapist Explains 670 466 All Cure

How Does a Tens Unit Work? How does a tens unit work? AllCure physical therapist, Anthony Alfieri, explains that these stimulation pads are placed on an area of concern for…

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Watch: Strength and Agility Training (After Surgery)

Watch: Strength and Agility Training (After Surgery)

Watch: Strength and Agility Training (After Surgery) 670 466 All Cure

Watch this soccer player complete strength and agility training after a meniscus repair surgery.

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The Benefits of a Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Approach

The Benefits of a Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Approach

The Benefits of a Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Approach 670 466 All Cure

A full recovery from an injury often requires a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach for the patient to begin feeling like themselves again.

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Watch: How to Treat Carpal Tunnel with Acupuncture

Watch: How to Treat Carpal Tunnel with Acupuncture

Watch: How to Treat Carpal Tunnel with Acupuncture 670 466 All Cure

Watch how to treat carpal tunnel by using acupuncture needles. Carpal tunnel presents as pain in the wrist, tingling in the fingers, and weakness in the grip.

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